Super Fast Internet Speed - Combine Mobile Data And Wi-Fi | Best Internet Speed Apps

Super Fast Internet Speed - Combine Mobile Data And Wi-Fi | Best Internet Speed Apps

Hello dear friends, how are you all? I hope you are all well and healthy. Nowadays we all use internet. We can't live a moment without the internet. And one of the biggest problems of this internet is that sometimes the internet speed is very slow. As a result, we get into a lot of trouble. We don't get good internet speed. Each of our mobile phones has mobile data and Wi-Fi through which we get internet connection. We will never be able to use mobile data and Wi-Fi together. Either you need to use mobile data or you need to use WiFi. Using mobile data turns off WiFi and using WiFi turns off mobile data. We can never use mobile data together.

Today I will show you one of the wonderful apps in the Play Store of Android mobile phone that allows you to easily use mobile data and Wi-Fi on mobile phone together. This will double the internet speed of your mobile phone. If the internet speed gives 5mbps for using mobile data in mobile phone and the speed is 5mbps for using WiFi then you will get 10mbps speed by combining the two. The main function of this app is that you can use mobile data and Wi-Fi simultaneously on your mobile phone.

Even though we all use Forge Internet nowadays, the internet speed slows down a lot. We don't get good internet speed. In the present age, all the internet users use Forge Internet which puts a lot of pressure on the Forge server which slows down the internet speed a lot. You see, if everyone uses Forge Internet, then there will be a lot of pressure on Forge server, right? As the days go by the internet speed is slowing down as the number of users is slowly increasing. If internet speed is slow then we don't enjoy using internet. Today I will show you a tip for Android mobile phone through which you can easily increase the internet speed of your mobile phone much more than before.

So now let me show you how you can increase the internet speed of your mobile phone a lot.

Combine multiple internet mobile data + Wi-Fi for increasing speed :
We will never be able to use mobile data and Wi-Fi together on mobile phones. Only one of the two should be used. Either you need to use mobile data or you need to use WiFi. Using mobile data turns off WiFi and using WiFi turns off mobile. But with this app, you can easily get much higher internet speed by using mobile data and Wi-Fi simultaneously on your mobile phone.

How to use this app on your mobile?
First of all, install and open the app. After opening, click on the Agree and Continue button, then close the page. Now all you have to do is turn on mobile data and Wi-Fi on your mobile phone first. Because you can use two internet speeds together. That's why you first turn on mobile data and Wi-Fi on your mobile phone. After turning on it will show which SIM you use and will show WiFi. Now you turn on the Speedify option above all. Then mobile data and Wi-Fi will be turned on simultaneously in your mobile phone which will give much higher internet speed than before.

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