Rolling icon - Apps, Picture And Emoji icon Rolling On Your Android Mobile

Hello how are you all dear friends Hope everybody on this site also had a great day. We all use different launchers in our mobile phones to make our mobile phone beautiful and attractive. So that the mobile phone looks beautiful. We also use different types of wallpapers on our mobile phones. Video wallpapers, live wallpapers, 3d wallpapers are all used by us on mobile phones so that the mobile phone looks beautiful.

Today I will show you one of the most beautiful and interesting apps for Android mobile phone. With that app, your mobile phone will look much more beautiful than before. The main function of this app is to move all the apps on your mobile phone from side to side. When you move the mobile phone back and forth, all the apps of the mobile phone will move in the same direction. That means all the apps on the mobile phone will be rolling. Which makes the mobile phone look a lot prettier. You can also roll your picture or any picture on the screen of mobile phone if you want. Icons of all mobile phone apps will be rolling.
So let's see how you can make this mobile phone much more beautiful than before by setting this app on mobile phone. When you move the mobile phone around, the icons of all the apps on the mobile phone will move in the same direction.

Rolling icon - Apps And Picture

The icons and photo icons of all the apps on the mobile phone will be rolling on the screen of your mobile phone. The rolling icon is a launcher. After launching that launcher on your mobile phone, your mobile phone will become much more beautiful. It would be nice to use the mobile phone as much as it looks beautiful. When you set this rolling live wallpaper on your mobile phone, your mobile phone will look great. Mobile phone apps will dance here and there.

How To Set Rolling icon On Your Mobile?

First of all, install and open the app, then click on this option Agree, Go ahead. Now you will see many options here. Now you click on the app icon option. After clicking on the apps icon option, all the apps on your mobile phone will show up here. Now tick and select all the apps that you want to roll on the screen of the mobile phone. Then get out of here.
Now you can roll your picture or any picture of your choice in the same way if you want. For that, click on the photo icon option, then click on the plus button and select the photo of your choice. Once the image is selected, click on the Next button, then exit here again.

You can roll different emojis in the same way if you want. Click on the emoji icon option for that. Then you will see more than one emoji here. Now select the emoji of your choice and come out.
Now to launch this launcher on your mobile phone, there is an option below, click on Start button then this app will be launched on your mobile phone. Now if you move the mobile phone back and forth, the icons, photo icons and emoji icons of all those apps will move there.

This way you can use this app on your mobile phone. Hopefully, after using this app on your mobile phone, the beauty of mobile phone will increase a lot more than before.


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