Android Display Amazing 5 Hidden Secret Tips And Tricks - 2022

Android Display Amazing 5 Hidden Secret Tips And Tricks - 2022
Android Display Amazing 5 Hidden Secret Tips And Tricks - 2022

Hello friends how are you all i hope you all are much better  Everyone uses Android mobile phone but there are many important settings in the settings of Android mobile phone that what are the settings?  Does it work or any settings?  Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves.  So if you go to the settings of the mobile phone you will see a setting "Display". So today I will show you some of the important settings in this display settings that you will be surprised to know the work of the settings and after knowing these settings to use your Android mobile phone is different.  A feeling will come.  So let's not know what are the important settings hidden in those display settings.

  • Reading Mode:

 Now you come to the settings of the mobile phone then find the display option and click.  Then you will see an option here that the Reading Mode click on this option.  Then enable it.  Then you will see that the display light of the mobile phone will turn a little reddish.  We all use our mobile phones for a long time at night, in which case the white light of the display of the mobile phone is directly in front of our eyes, in which case we have a lot of eye problems, various eye problems.  This way you will damage your eyes if you use it for a long time.  Because when we chat for a long time, send SMS or watch videos, or whatever we do, the display light of the phone will cause eye damage to our eyes.  That's why every mobile phone company has put Reading Mode in this option in the phone.  If you turn on this option, the display light will be a little reddish color.  This will not harm your eyes.  So each of you will keep this option on.

  •  Text Size:

 Now you can find the text size option then click here.  Each of our mobile phones has a specific font-size or text size.  We cannot reduce or increase it.  But you can increase or decrease the text size as you wish with these settings. There are different text sizes like - XXS, ZS, S, L, XL, XXL. Select the text size as you need.  So that you can easily read or understand any text on mobile phone.

  •  Control Center & Notification Shade:

 Now you can find the control center & notification shade this option from the display option of the phone.  Then click here then you can give many options here.

 Hide Notch - 
Now if you click on this hide hide option then you can hide notch of your mobile phone from here.  Try selecting each of the options given here, after selecting any option, select the option that the mobile phone likes.

 Edit Carrier Name - 

Now find this option and click here.  Then select the SIM card.  When you turn off the mobile phone and turn it on again, you will see that the name of the SIM shows in the corner above the mobile phone.  This is where you can add your name or any text.  Click on this option to add your name Edit Carrier Name then select the SIM card and enter your name then you will see that your name will show in the top corner.

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